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  • Anello di Guspergo nature trail

    The wooded setting of Monte dei Bovi (in Friulian La Mont dai bûs) which rises north, fences off the Cividale territory to the north-east, outlining the Zuccola and Guspergo basins. Moving away from the area of Sanguarzo, the solitary ancient church of S. Floreano emerges, prior to the thirteenth century. Remains of the ancient castle of Uruspergo/Guspergo can be found on a hill lying above this chapel. The mostly woodland vegetation has species of black and Scots pine, chestnut, black hornbeam and flowering ash. The route also passes through meadows and fields that offer, especially in spring, rich and attractive blooms.

    Total time: about 2 hours and 40 minutes

    Distance: km. 9.350

    Height difference: 563.60 ml

    Difficulty level: medium/high

    Starting/arrival point: parking San Floreano church, in via San Floreano

    Trail colour: green