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  • Anello di Guspergo nature trail

    The wooded setting of Monte dei Bovi (in Friulian La Mont dai bûs) which rises north, fences off the Cividale territory to the north-east, outlining the Zuccola and Guspergo basins. Moving away from the area of Sanguarzo, the solitary ancient church of S. Floreano emerges, prior to the thirteenth century. Remains of the ancient castle of Uruspergo/Guspergo can be found on a hill lying above this chapel. The mostly woodland vegetation has species of black and Scots pine, chestnut, black hornbeam and flowering ash. The route also passes through meadows and fields that offer, especially in spring, rich and attractive blooms.

    Total time: about 2 hours and 40 minutes

    Distance: km. 9.350

    Height difference: 563.60 ml

    Difficulty level: medium/high

    Starting/arrival point: parking San Floreano church, in via San Floreano

    Trail colour: green
  • Anello Nord del Natisone nature trail

    The route passes through borgo Brossana, one of the four neighbourhoods that were once enclosed within the solid walls of Cividale. The route cuts across countryside where the main crops are cereals, forage, vineyards and olive trees (we are in the "Eastern Hills of Friuli" DOC territory. The intersection of shared access roads are present here. At the edge of the fields you can see mulberry trees, not as frequent as once upon a time. These fields speak of those who have passed and those who still cultivate them. The walk takes you through a stetch of the gorge of the river Natisone, which offers several natural attractions. The route touches upon the area of Sanguarzo.

    Total time: circa 1 hour and 20 mins

    Distance: km. 5.3

    Height difference: 54.80 ml

    Difficulty level: medium

    starting/arrival point: intersection via delle Mura with Borgo Brossana

    Trail colour: red
  • Sub-anello Nord del Natisone nature trail

    This route presents a shorter version of the anello Nord del Natisone which unfolds in borgo Brossana. The now quiet and unassuming village was the site of incessant and intense trade flows of transalpine origin in the Middle Ages. The route cuts across cultivated land and a stretch of the gorge of the river Natisone. In hydrographic terms, this territory is crossed by the winding course of the Riio Emiliano, one of the main tributaries on the right bank of the Natisone, from where it spills out enthusiastically. The area is also home to Borgo Viola, a name widespread in other Friuli areas, which originates from the presence of a secluded and retreated lane.

    Total time: circa 1 hour and 15 mins

    Distance: km. 4.5

    Height difference: 44.60 ml

    Difficulty level: low

    starting/arrival time: via delle Mura intersecting with Borgo Brossana

    trail colour: red
  • Anello Sud del Natisone nature trail

    The stretch that runs alongside the Natisone stands out in this route: this river has proved essential for the genesis of Cividale del Friuli. Depending on the stretches, the waters flow slowly or rapidly. There is a rare yellow flowering plant on the rocks that border the water - il Leontodon brumatii - characteristic and exclusive to the gorge of Natisone. The escarpments accommodate vegetation in well-established meadows and bushes. Sul fondo della forra può affiorare il greto ghiaioso, nudo o popolato da formazioni di salici e pioppi. Undergrowth can emerge in the protected environment of the furrow of the river with mixed species. The route pushes on to Purgessimo overlapping with nature on its way.

    Total time: circa 2 hours and 10 minutes

    Distance: km. 7,500

    Height difference: 89.80 ml

    Difficulty level: middle

    Starting/arrival point: piazzale dell'Ospedale

    Trail colour: yellow
  • Sub-anello Sud del Natisone nature trail

    The route presents a shorter version of the anello Sud del Natisone, which is striking from an environment and nature perspective. The Natisone mostly flows encased in a narrow stretch nestled between overhanging walls with the water having cut deeply into the rock throughout its very long course. The river regime is torrential, its reach is heavily affected by meteoric contributions: its waters perennially change colour in varying shades of green. The vegetation is splendid: from the rare and exclusive species on the rocks to the constant meadows and bush. It should be noted that the route flanking the river is the oldest in the territory dating to prehistoric times. The route takes in the small villages of Madriolo and Zugliano.

    Total time: 1 hour and 25 mins

    Distance: km. 4.750

    Height difference: 51.80 ml

    Difficulty level: low

    starting/arrival point: piazzale dell'Ospedale

    Trail colour: yellow